
Honorable Fourth District Supervisor V. Manual Perez, County of Riverside

Honorable Fourth District Supervisor
V. Manual Perez, County of Riverside

Honorable Scott Matas, Mayor of Desert Hot Springs

Honorable Mayor of Desert Hot Springs
Scott Matas

Honorable Gary Gardner, Mayor Pro Tem of Desert Hot Springs

Honorable Mayor Pro-Tem of Desert Hot Springs
Gary Gardner

Honorable Mayor of Indio Waymond Fermon

Honorable Mayor of Indio
Waymond Fermon

Carole Rogers Honorable RN, MPH, Director Desert Healthcare District & Foundation

Bea Gonzalez, Honorable Trustee College of the Desert & Administrator of Coachella Valley Unified School District

James Nindel  Desert Hot Springs Planning Commissioner

Brian Brodowsky

 Kip O’Connor

Joe Robinson

George Padilla

 Vincent Manarite

Julie Dawson

 Robert Griffith past Planning Commission Desert Hot Springs 

Frank Gilmore

Dirk Voss Former Planning Commissioner

Jackie Terry Owner of Jazzy J Travels

Desert Hot Springs Police Officers Association -
"The Desert Hot Springs Police Officer’s Association is excited to announce our endorsements of Desert Hot Springs City Councilors Jan Pye and Gary Gardner as candidates for reelection to their District 3 and District 1 councilor seats.

The Association recognizes Jan and Gary’s ongoing contributions to the residents and visitors of Desert Hot Springs in their roles as City Councilors and their ongoing support of Desert Hot Springs Police Officers and our mission to make the city safe.

Both candidates have demonstrated the attributes and desire necessary to serve their respective districts and have earned the respect of the DHSPOA. With that, comes the endorsement of YOUR Desert Hot Springs Police Officers."

Peace Officers Research Association of California (PORAC)

Desert Valley Builders Association (DVBA)

Jan Pye Desert Hot Springs City Council Speaking